In a fast-paced corporate world, effective leadership is the linchpin that holds an organisation together. By cultivating your leadership qualities, you’re not only nurturing your professional growth but also contributing to your organisation’s success.

Here are 10 of our top tips on leadership in business that every leader should incorporate:


Tip #1: Talk about the future

Leaders are visionaries. They think about the future and help others to see it too. As Mark Collar rightly said, “Leaders teach people to dream, not just execute”. Engage your team in discussions about the organisation’s long-term goals and inspire them to align their dreams with the broader vision.


Tip #2: Teach someone something

The best leaders are also great mentors. Take the time to teach your colleagues something new. This not only builds organisational capability but also showcases your commitment to personal and professional development within the team.


Tip #3: Seek out a new idea

As a leader, embracing innovation is essential. Actively search for novel ideas and champion them in the organisation. This exhibits your adaptability and openness to change, which are critical attributes for leadership.


Tip #4: Tell someone they did a “good job”

Appreciation goes a long way in building a positive workplace culture. Don’t hesitate to commend a colleague’s efforts, irrespective of the scale of achievement. This bolsters enthusiasm and fosters trust in your leadership.


Tip #5: Get mad, then get over it

Leaders are passionate. Sometimes this passion might be misconstrued as anger or frustration. Don’t be afraid to show emotions, but make sure you channel them into constructive action. This showcases your humanity and resilience.


Tip #6: Meet someone new in your organisation

As a leader, it’s vital to know your team. Step out of your office and interact with someone new. This gesture proves that you value your employees and are keen to learn from them.


Tip #7: Say “yes”

Leadership entails decision-making. Be bold and say “yes” to opportunities. This demonstrates your trust in the organisation and reflects your decisiveness – an essential trait for any leader.


Tip #8: Actively listen

Listening is an art that many claim to possess but few genuinely master. Be a sincere listener. When someone shares their thoughts, clarify and confirm your understanding but refrain from sharing your viewpoint until asked. This promotes open communication and shows that you value others’ opinions.


Tip #9: Be enthusiastic

As a leader, your enthusiasm can be contagious. Display energy and excitement about ideas and projects – you’ll find your team mirroring this positivity. This creates a more engaged and motivated workforce.


Tip #10: Have fun!

Finally, relish what you do. Leadership isn’t always about the serious and arduous tasks; it’s about finding joy in the journey. When your team sees you enjoying your role, they are more likely to be inspired and follow suit.


Excellent leadership is a blend of vision, mentorship, adaptability, appreciation, emotion, connectivity, decisiveness, communication, enthusiasm and joy. By incorporating these 10 tips into your leadership repertoire, you will not only enhance your personal growth but significantly contribute to your organisation’s success.

At ActionCOACH, we build leaders who are not just executives but enablers, mentors and motivators!