The hidden advantage of reading for business success!

In the fast-paced, high-pressure world of business, decision-makers are constantly seeking strategies to improve their performance and outcomes. One such strategy, often overlooked yet surprisingly effective, is reading. It’s more than a leisurely pastime; it’s a tool for personal and professional growth, capable of making a profound impact on business success.

At ActionCOACH Warwick, we’re huge advocates for the transformative potential of reading in the corporate world. As avid reader ourselves, we have massively benefitted from the extensive advantages reading can bring to business owners.

We know first-hand that business owners often perceive themselves as too busy to incorporate reading into their schedule. However, by simply devoting an hour a day – half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening – the subsequent improvements in your business can be considerable.

Here’s what our team believes are the top 5 effects of reading…


  1. Mental health: Reading is a form of mental escape. By opening a book, you create a soothing diversion from daily stressors, which can reduce your heart rate and ease muscle tension.


  1. Memory, focus, and concentration: Reading enhances your brain’s connectivity, improving attention spans, focus and concentration. It prompts sequential thinking, aiding the brain in drawing links between cause and effect – a crucial ability for any business owner.


  1. Cognitive workout: Regular reading provides an exercise regimen for your brain, engaging various complex cognitive functions. Moreover, studies suggest reading can decrease the risk of dementia, as consistent readers show a 32% lower rate of cognitive decline later in life.


  1. Expertise: Committing to an hour of reading per day can enable you to complete about 50 books in a year. To become a master in your field, it’s estimated that you need to clock in over 1,820 hours of reading, translating to an hour daily for five years. Break it down into manageable segments, and you’re on your way to becoming an expert sooner than you might think!


  1. Enhanced sleep: The culmination of all the above benefits can significantly improve your sleep. Adequate rest prepares you to tackle the demands of business ownership with a refreshed mind and body.

For business owners embarking on their reading journey, we recommend the following insightful books:

Reading isn’t just an investment of time; it’s an investment in personal development. Setting aside time for your self-growth will create positive effects not only on you, the business owner, but also on your team. The possibilities of what you can achieve with just an hour of reading a day are truly limitless.

So why not pick up a book today and unlock its power in enhancing your business success? The results could be surprisingly rewarding.

If you want to join our community of reading business owners, you can find out more about our book club here!