If you are reading this blog, then I will make the assumption you are intrigued by business coaching. You probably have lots of questions you want answers too, after all you are trying to validate a decision to invest in your future and decide if a business coach is the person you want to disclose the full details of your business, processes, pain points and life goals to. Here are just a few questions we’d expect you to ask us. Feel free to comment at the end with any additional questions you have!

1. What is a business coach?

A business coach is someone who will work with you to provide clarity on what your business looks like in the near and long term, and plan exactly how together we can deliver your goals. We will work closely on your business plan, sales and marketing strategies and will help you to build reliable, high-performing and highly-engaged teams. You will be able to move away from essentially having a job working in your business, to working on your business, which is exactly what is required to take your business to the next level.

You will always be the expert in your own business. A business coach can offer you expertise in the ‘art of business’ and share personal experience and proven systems which are used in thousands of other high-performing businesses.

A business coach is relentless in doing whatever it takes for you, because they care and want the best for you. They themselves are business owners and understand the challenges this brings. They are committed to supporting you in taking a fresh look and developing your team and business, helping you to see the light on the dark days and ensuring you can achieve your goals and dreams.

2. How much time do I need to commit to coaching?

This is entirely up to you. However, like all good things, the more time and effort you put in, the better your results will be. You can chose a coaching programme that fits your budget in terms of time and finances. From 2 hours per month, to 8 hours per month. Plus, you will need to set time aside to complete the actions that come from each coaching session. Your business coach will hold you accountable to every task you agree to undertake, and keep you on track if you fall short on delivering them.

We recommend you commit to a minimum of 6 months of coaching so you can really see the benefits in your business. We have clients who have just started coaching with us, and others who have been coached by us for over 3 years (and the results they have achieved are phenomenal!).

Any good business coach will offer you a guarantee. For example, we offer a 6 month return on investment guarantee, giving you peace of mind that your business will generate more income as a direct result of engaging in our coaching programme than the cost of the programme itself.

3. How much does business coaching cost?

The simple answer: it varies. It really does. It depends on the service you chose and the intensity of coaching you require. Our services range from £50 per month to £9,995 per month (and it is likely you will find other business coaches who charge more). It’s a wide range for good reason; to ensure you receive the right level of coaching to achieve your goals and to tailor the coaching experience to one, two, three, four or more business owners. If you want to delve deeper into this question, check out this blog.

4. How do I know the business coach is the right fit for me?

Finding a true connection with a business coach is key. The best relationships are formed with people you know, like and trust. You might select a coach based on their experience, their industry knowledge, their personality… a multitude of factors. The easiest way to find out if you will get on well with a business coach, is to have a conversation! A great starting point is to organise a free business coaching call, so you can have a chat with no strings attached. If the synergy isn’t right or if the two of you just don’t click, this isn’t always bad thing, it means they respect what you need and what’s right for you both. It’s always worth asking if they will refer you to someone else, then once you’ve found the right match you can get started on your journey to success!

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